PHP GBIF client
Species Class Reference

Inherits Gbif.

Public Member Functions

 nameUsage (array $args=[], $data='all', $key=NULL, $uuid=NULL, $short_name=NULL)
 nameUsageByKey ($key)
 nameBackbone (array $args)
 nameLookup (array $args)
 nameSuggest (array $args)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Gbif
 __construct ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from Gbif
const GBIF_BASEURL = ''
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Gbif
 gbifGet ($uri, array $args=[])
 formatQueryString (array $args)
 bool2str (bool $val)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Gbif

Detailed Description

GBIF: species.

Member Function Documentation

◆ nameBackbone()

nameBackbone ( array  $args)

Lookup names in the GBIF backbone taxonomy.

If you are looking for behavior similar to the GBIF website when you search for a name, name_backbone may be what you want. For example, a search for Lantanophaga pusillidactyla on the GBIF website and with name_backbone will give back as a first result the correct name Lantanophaga pusillidactylus.

A list for a single taxon with many slots (with verbose=FALSE - default), or a list of length two, first element for the suggested taxon match, and a data.frame with alternative name suggestions resulting from fuzzy matching (with verbose=TRUE).

If you don't get a match GBIF gives back a list of length 3 with slots synonym, confidence, and matchType='NONE'.


$species = new Species();
'name' => 'Helianthus annuus',
'kingdom' => 'plants',
'name' => 'Helianthus',
'rank' => 'genus',
'kingdom' => 'plants',
'name' => 'Poa',
'rank' => 'genus',
'family' => 'Poaceae',
// Verbose - gives back alternatives.
'name' => 'Helianthus annuus',
'kingdom' => 'plants',
'verbose' => TRUE,
// Strictness.
'name' => 'Poa',
'kingdom' => 'plants',
'verbose' => TRUE,
'strict' => FALSE,
'name' => 'Helianthus annuus',
'kingdom' => 'plants',
'verbose' => TRUE,
'strict' => TRUE,
// Non-existent name.
$species->nameBackbone(['name' => 'Aso']);
// Multiple equal matches.
$species->nameBackbone(['name' => 'Oeanante']);
Definition: Species.php:8
array$argsAn associative array, with the following elements:
  • 'name' (string): full scientific name potentially with authorship (required).
  • 'rank' (string): the rank given as our rank enum (optional).
  • 'kingdom' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'phylum' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'class' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'order' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'family' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'genus' (string): if provided default matching will also try to match against this if no direct match is found for the name alone (optional).
  • 'strict' (boolean): if TRUE it (fuzzy) matches only the given name, but never a taxon in the upper classification (optional).
  • 'verbose' (boolean): if TRUE show alternative matches considered which had been rejected.
  • 'offset' (integer): record to start at. Default: 0.
  • 'limit' (integer): number of results to return. Default: 100.
array An array of results.
See also

◆ nameLookup()

nameLookup ( array  $args)

Lookup names in all taxonomies in GBIF.

This service uses fuzzy lookup so that you can put in partial names and you should get back those things that match. See examples below.


$species = new Species();
// Look up names like mammalia.
$species->nameLookup(['q' => 'mammalia']);
// Paging.
$species->nameLookup(['q' => 'mammalia', 'limit' => 1]);
$species->nameLookup(['q' => 'mammalia', 'limit' => 1, 'offset' => 2]);
// Large requests, use offset parameter.
$first = $species->nameLookup([
'q' => 'mammalia',
'limit' => 1000,
$second = $species->nameLookup(['
q' => 'mammalia',
'limit' => 1000,
offset => 1000,
// Get all data and parse it, removing descriptions field which can be
// quite long.
$out = $species->nameLookup([
'q' => 'Helianthus annuus',
'rank' => 'species',
$res = $out['results'];
foreach ($res as &$value) {
// Fuzzy searching.
$species->nameLookup(['q' => 'Heli', 'rank' => 'genus'])
// Limit records to certain number.
'q' => 'Helianthus annuus',
'rank' => 'species',
'limit' => 2,
// Query by habitat.
$species->nameLookup(['habitat' => 'terrestrial', 'limit' => 2]);
$species->nameLookup(['habitat' => 'marine', 'limit' => 2]);
$species->nameLookup(['habitat' => 'freshwater', 'limit' => 2]);
// Using faceting.
'facet' => 'status',
'limit' => 0,
'facetMincount' => 70000,
'facet' => ['status', 'higherTaxonKey'],
'limit' => 0,
'facetMincount' => 70000,
$species->nameLookup(['facet' => 'nameType', 'limit' => 0]);
$species->nameLookup(['facet' => 'habitat', 'limit' => 0]);
$species->nameLookup(['facet' => 'datasetKey', 'limit' => 0]);
$species->nameLookup(['facet' => 'rank', 'limit' => 0]);
$species->nameLookup(['facet' => 'isExtinct', 'limit' => 0]);
// Text highlighting.
$species->nameLookup(['q' => 'plant', 'hl' => TRUE, 'limit' => 30]);
// Lookup by datasetKey.
'datasetKey' => '3f8a1297-3259-4700-91fc-acc4170b27ce',
array$argsAn associative array, with the following elements:
  • 'q' (string): query term(s) for full text search (optional).
  • 'verbose' (boolean): if TRUE show alternative matches considered which had been rejected.
  • 'higherTaxonomy' (string): filters by any of the higher Linnean rank keys. Note this is within the respective checklist and not searching nub keys across all checklists (optional).
  • 'status' (string): optional. Filters by the taxonomic status as one of:
    • 'ACCEPTED'.
    • 'DETERMINATION_SYNONYM': used for unknown child taxa referred to via spec, ssp, etc.
    • 'DOUBTFUL': treated as accepted, but doubtful whether this is correct.
    • 'HETEROTYPIC_SYNONYM': more specific subclass of 'SYNONYM'.
    • 'HOMOTYPIC_SYNONYM': more specific subclass of 'SYNONYM'.
    • 'INTERMEDIATE_RANK_SYNONYM': used in nub only.
    • 'MISAPPLIED': more specific subclass of 'SYNONYM'.
    • 'PROPARTE_SYNONYM': more specific subclass of 'SYNONYM'.
    • 'SYNONYM': a general synonym, the exact type is unknown.
  • 'isExtinct' (boolean): filters by extinction status. E.g. 'isExtinct' => TRUE.
  • 'habitat' (string): filters by habitat. One of 'marine', 'freshwater' or 'terrestrial' (optional).
  • 'nameType' (string): optional. Filters by the name type as one of:
    • 'BLACKLISTED': surely not a scientific name.
    • 'CANDIDATUS': Candidatus is a component of the taxonomic name for a bacterium that cannot be maintained in a bacteriology culture collection.
    • 'CULTIVAR': a cultivated plant name.
    • 'DOUBTFUL': doubtful whether this is a scientific name at all.
    • 'HYBRID': a hybrid formula (not a hybrid name).
    • 'INFORMAL': a scientific name with some informal addition like 'cf.' or indetermined like Abies spec.
    • 'SCINAME': a scientific name which is not well formed.
    • 'VIRUS': a virus name.
    • 'WELLFORMED': a well-formed scientific name according to present nomenclatural rules.
  • 'datasetKey' (string): filters by the dataset's key (a uuid) (optional).
  • 'nomenclaturalStatus' (string): not yet implemented, but will eventually allow for filtering by a nomenclatural status enum.
  • 'limit' (integer): number of records to return. Maximum: 1000. (optional).
  • 'offset' (integer): record number to start at (optional).
  • 'facet' (string): a list of facet names used to retrieve the 100 most frequent values for a field. Allowed facets are: 'datasetKey', 'higherTaxonKey', 'rank', 'status', 'isExtinct', 'habitat', and 'nameType'. Additionally 'threat' and 'nomenclaturalStatus' are legal values but not yet implemented, so data will not yet be returned for them (optional).
  • 'facetMincount' (integer): used in combination with the facet parameter. Set 'facetMincount={#}' to exclude facets with a count less than {#}, e.g. only shows the type value 'ACCEPTED' because the other statuses have counts less than 7,000,000 (optional).
  • 'facetMultiselect' (boolean): used in combination with the facet parameter. Set 'facetMultiselect' => TRUE to still return counts for values that are not currently filtered, e.g. still shows all status values even though status is being filtered by 'status' => 'ACCEPTED' (optional).
  • 'type' (string): type of name. One of 'occurrence', 'checklist', or 'metadata' (optional).
  • 'hl' (boolean): Set 'hl' => TRUE to highlight terms matching the query when in fulltext search fields. The highlight will be an emphasis tag of class 'gbifH1' e.g. 'q' => 'plant', 'hl' => TRUE'. Fulltext search fields include: 'title', 'keyword', 'country', 'publishing country', 'publishing organization title', 'hosting organization title', and 'description'. One additional full text field is searched which includes information from metadata documents, but the text of this field is not returned in the response (optional).
array An array of results.
See also

◆ nameSuggest()

nameSuggest ( array  $args)

Autocomplete service.

A quick and simple autocomplete service that returns up to 20 name usages by doing prefix matching against the scientific name. Results are ordered by relevance.


$species = new Species();
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma concolor']);
$x = $species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma']);
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma'], 'rank' => 'genus');
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma'], 'rank' => 'subspecies');
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma'], 'rank' => 'species');
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma'], 'rank' => 'infraspecific_name');
$species->nameSuggest(['q' => 'Puma'], 'limit' => 2);
array$argsAn associative array, with the following elements:
  • 'q' (string): simple search parameter. The value for this parameter can be a simple word or a phrase. Wildcards can be added to the simple word parameters only, e.g. 'q' => 'puma' (required).
  • 'datasetKey' (string): filters by the checklist dataset key (a uuid, see examples).
  • 'rank' (string): a taxonomic rank. One of 'class', 'cultivar', 'cultivar_group', 'domain', 'family', 'form', 'genus', 'informal', 'infrageneric_name', 'infraorder', 'infraspecific_name', 'infrasubspecific_name', 'kingdom', 'order', 'phylum', 'section', 'series', 'species', 'strain', 'subclass', 'subfamily', 'subform', 'subgenus', 'subkingdom', 'suborder', 'subphylum', 'subsection', 'subseries', 'subspecies', 'subtribe', 'subvariety', 'superclass', 'superfamily', 'superorder', 'superphylum', 'suprageneric_name', 'tribe', 'unranked', or 'variety'.
  • 'limit' (integer): number of records to return. Maximum: 1000 (optional).
  • 'offset' (integer): record number to start at (optional).
array An array of results.
See also

◆ nameUsage()

nameUsage ( array  $args = [],
  $data = 'all',
  $key = NULL,
  $uuid = NULL,
  $short_name = NULL 

Lookup details for specific names in all taxonomies in GBIF.


$species = new Species();
// All data for species #1;
$species->nameUsage([], 'all', 1]);
// Name usage for a taxonomic name.
$species->nameUsage(['name' => 'Puma', rank' => 'GENUS'])
// All name usages.
// References for a name usage.
$species->nameUsage([], 'references', 2435099);
// Species profiles, descriptions.
$species->nameUsage([], 'speciesProfiles', 3119195);
$species->nameUsage([], 'descriptions', 3119195);
$species->nameUsage([], 'children', 2435099);
// Vernacular names for a name usage.
$species->nameUsage([], 'vernacularNames', 3119195);
// Limit number of results returned.
$species->nameUsage(['limit' => 3], 'vernacularNames', 3119195);
// Search for names by dataset with datasetKey parameter.
datasetKey' => 'd7dddbf4-2cf0-4f39-9b2a-bb099caae36c',
// Search for a particular language.
$species->nameUsage(['language' => 'FRENCH'], 'vernacularNames', 3119195);
array$argsAn associative array, with the following elements:
  • 'name' (string): filters by a case insensitive, canonical namestring, e.g. 'Puma concolor'.
  • 'language' (string): language, default is English.
  • 'datasetKey' (string): filters by the dataset's key (a uuid).
  • 'sourceId' (integer): filters by the source identifier.
  • 'limit' (integer): number of records to return. Default: 100. Maximum: 1000 (optional).
  • 'offset' (integer): record number to start at (optional).
string$dataThe type of data to get. Default: 'all'. Options: 'all', 'verbatim', 'name', 'parents', 'children', 'related', 'synonyms', 'descriptions', 'distributions', 'media', 'references', 'speciesProfiles', 'vernacularNames', 'typeSpecimens', 'root'.
int$keyA GBIF key for a taxon.
string$uuidA uuid for a dataset. Should give exact same results as datasetKey. Only relevant when $data is 'root'.
string$short_nameA short name. Only relevant when data is 'root', in which case either $uuid or $short_name must be set. Taken into account if $uuid is NULL.
array An array of results.
See also

ResTelae\Gbif\GbifException When some arguments are wrong.

◆ nameUsageByKey()

nameUsageByKey (   $key)

Lookup for a specific taxon name.


$species = new Species();
// All data for species #2435099;
int$keyA GBIF key for a taxon.
array An array of results.

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